Forsvars- og Sikkerhetsindustriens Forening (FSi)
Postboks 5250, Majorstuen
0303 Oslo 992931183
FSi, advocating the interests of the Norwegian Defence and Security Industries, is the primary interlocutor for the Norwegian government in matters of importance to the industry.
Our mission is to foster framework conditions for member companies to succeed in the domestic and global defence and security markets, thereby contributing to Norway's national defence and security goals.
FSi comprises about 250 member companies - a diversified group ranging from the major national defence contractors to one-man businesses, all with unique capabilities built on innovation and advanced technology serving both the military and the civil markets. About 85 per cent of our members are SMEs. Membership is open to any Norwegian registered company with commercial interests in the defence or homeland security markets. In our efforts to develop further and sustain a successful association, we encourage our members and other stakeholders to actively involve themselves in our affairs whether on a national or international level.
FSi is a focal point for foreign contractors seeking cooperation with Norwegian companies in relation to Norwegian defence procurements abroad and international collaborative programmes.
Our member companies employ more than 25,000 personnel, accounting for approximately 9000 man-years employed directly in defence-related activities. Turnover in the defence sector in 2023 was NOK 35 billion of which approximately NOK 12 billion was exports.
Forsvars- og Sikkerhetsindustriens Forening (FSi)
Postboks 5250, Majorstuen
0303 Oslo 992931183
Næringslivets Hus
Middelthunsgate 27, Majorstuen
0368 Oslo
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