Fincantieri industridager 18. - 19. november 2024

Fincantieri Marine Group, som er en mulig leverandør av nye fregatter til Sjøforsvaret, i samarbeid med sine partnere Vard, Lockheed Martin og Raytheon, inviterer til industridager i Oslo 18. - 19. november 2024.

Fincantieri Marine Group søker norske industripartnere som en del av arbeidet med å utarbeide en industrisamarbeidsplan i forbindelse med mulig leveranse av nye fregatter til Sjøforsvaret.  

I denne forbindelse inviterer FMG til industridager i Oslo 18. - 19. november 2024

Fincantieri sine formål med arrangementet er:

To Discuss:  The idea of building the frigate in Norway is new and it is expected that many Norwegian Companies will want to seek a deeper understanding of the strategy, as well understand their role.

To Connect:  We understand the complexities of building an Aegis ship and therefore appreciate the level of support that is required.  Leveraging Norwegian companies, will not only help with industrial cooperation, but can create efficiencies and grow capability in support of the lifecycle support plan.

To Listen:  It will be important for us to hear their insight, concerns or apprehensions with building this project.  Understanding this early will help us to address as the solution matures.

To Discover:  There are many Norwegian companies that have innovative technologies that may be applicable to Frigate.  But may also be discriminating in our other pursuits.  Gaining that insight will be advantageous to us on so many levels
For planning purposes the conduct of the Industrial event is envisioned as follows.

Programmet vil starte med presentasjoner fra Vard, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon og og FMG, der de vil informere om bygging, integrering og testing av et Aegis-skip. Disse presentasjonene vil danne grunnlaget for en spørsmål-og-svar runde i plenum. Deretter vil det bli anledning til en-til-en møter med representanter fra FMG, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon og Vard.

Knapp for påmelding finnes øverst på denne siden.

Draft Program:

18. November

0900 Coffe and registration

1000-1020 Welcome remarks, John Lehman, FMG host for the Morning.

  • Purpose
  • Objective for the session - Discover, Learn, Listen
  • Need for Industry to Participate - not only to build the ship, but to sustain it

1020-1040 The Honorable Ken Briathwaite, Former Ambassador to Norway, and the 77th Secretary of the Navy

  • Need for Industrial cooperation
  • Industrial Cooperation is as essential as military cooperation
  • Strong Alliance made Stronger building by the growth from building the ship in Norway.

1040-1055 Presentations – FMG – provide an overview of the US Frigate - Dave Forster

1055-1110 VARD - Ronny Langset

1110 - 1125 RTX - Jeff Weston

1125 - 1150 LM - John Iovacchino

1150 Open floor for questions/leading questions

1200 Lunch

1230 -1800 B2B sessions

19. November

0900-1200 B2B sessions continue

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Motta siste nytt fra FSI

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