Britisk industri søker norske industripartnere som en del av arbeidet med å utarbeide en industrisamarbeidsplan i forbindelse med mulig leveranse av nye fregatter til Sjøforsvaret. Planen er ikke begrenset til den martitime sektoren og omfatter en rekke andre områder. I denne forbindelse inviterer Team UK til industridager i Oslo 19. februar 2025.
Team UK sine formål med arrangementet er:
The event will connect Norwegian Industry with Team UK to deliver enhanced security and economic growth for both nations. There is a particular emphasis on identifying SME Technology collaboration and supply chain opportunities in support of the UK offer for Norway’s future frigate programme.
Collaboration through Defence Technology and supply chains across land, sea, air, space and cyber could provide significant opportunities for Norwegian Business. The focus of the event is to identify near term opportunities that could support SME’s growth and development through collaboration with Team UK’s International Prime Contractors. The technology and supply chain areas to be explored during the day are as follows:
- Alternative Precision Navigation and Timing technologies
- Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities
- Advanced weapons manufacturing
- Defensive aids and countermeasures
- Emerging and Disruptive Technologies of direct interest to NATO
- High-reliability components (e.g. actuators) for use in air, space, marine and/or subsea environments
- Multi-Domain Networking including next-generation communications networks
- Novel sensing technologies – e.g. lightweight c-UxV sensing
- Simulation and modelling capabilities
- Surface based air defence technologies
- Underwater surveillance and communications technologies
Following a series of short briefings from Team UK on the UK offer for Norway’s future frigates, the event will offer the opportunity for Norwegian Technology businesses to engage with Team UK and explore opportunities.”
Detaljert program kommer senere. Påmeldingen er åpen.