Wärtsilä Valmarine AS

Wärtsilä Valmarine AS
Address: Ingeniør Rybergsgt. 99, 3027 Drammen
Phone:  +47 32 21 81 00  

Contact person: Thorstein Franche
Email:  thorstein.franche@wartsila.com 
Mobile: +4748894431

Core Business Matrix:
Automation, Navigation & Control Systems (ANCS), a Wärtsilä business, transform how vessels perform their journeys in a safe, efficient, and compliant way by leveraging the latest hardware and software technologies. 

Platinum Navigation and Automation systems provide unique flexibility, redundancy and scalability paired with an intuitive user interface.

Unique platform based on decades of experience from delivering systems to navy vessels.

With a rich history of pioneering maritime technologies that have defined industry benchmarks, our offering includes easy-to-operate integrated navigation and automation systems; sensors which enhance safety and situational awareness; and Dynamic Positioning (DP) systems.
Produkter og tjenester: Command Control and Communication systems,Maritime Technology


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