Aviation and Survival Support AS

Aviation and Survival Support AS

Adresse: Wirgenes vei 8B, 3157 Barkåker
Hjemmeside: www.a-ss.no
Telefon: 33450910

Kontaktperson: Svein Johansen
Telefon: 90092202
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Products and services:

Aviation and Survival Support is a recognized distributor of Aviation, Marine and Special Forces Life Support/Survival Equipment, Clothing and Aircraft/Aircrew Systems.
Short list (not alphabetical listed):  
•    Aircrew Safety and Survival (Aircraft Structures, Seats, Emergency Air and Oxygen Systems)
•    Aerial Delivery Systems
•    Fall Arrest and Climbing, (All branches)  
•    Submarine Escape systems
•    Personal Lifesaving Products (All branches)
•    Surface Rescue Systems
•    Inflatable Boats"

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